

Public Funded Aids and Subsidy

Medocon collaborates with a consultant that has specialized itself since 1998 in intelligent financing and public funding.

In cooperation with this consultant we give advice to small and midsize companies in applying for and in attaining public funded aids and subsidies.

The collaboration with medocon assures three substantial advantages:

Utilize your management capacities for your core competences

Use our know-how – we know all about it – since more than 10 year

Choose from success depending or time variable compensation

We will inform you on current government and state subsidy programs to totally or partially finance your projects.

Here a selection:

Nationwide R&D-Subsidy-Program PRO INNO II
(Bundesweites FuE-Förderprogramm PRO INNO II)

Joint European Venture: an expiring subsidy program for cooperations between European companies

Loan Program of the KfW-Middle-Class-Bank
(Darlehensprogramme der KfW-Mittelstandsbank)

A concrete case:

The “Subsidy PROgram to Increase INNOvational Competence of Middle-Class-Companies II” („PROgramm Förderung der Erhöhung der INNOvationskompetenz mittelständischer Unternehmen II“) offers the possibility, for example in the area of innovations, to subsidize up to 50% of all manpower costs of an innovation project.

The gross monthly salaries of the project members plus a 90% lump sum for overhead costs are subsidized:

Manpower costs e.g.
3.500 € Manpower costs
+ 90% Overhead Costs 3.150 € Overhead Costs
? max. 50 % Subsidized Funds 3.325 € Subsidized Funds

Which subsidy program is suitable for your company?

Simply contact us - medocon will provide professional advice.